Website submit forms, also called lead generation forms, provide an easy, direct way to collect pertinent information from potential customers who visit your website. From a basic contact form to a detailed registration form, we can customize yours to gather the precise information you need to best serve users and turn leads into new customers.
Getting the most from submit forms, however, also involves harnessing this information and funneling it through your email so that you can be assured your leads not only get to you, but that they are legitimate leads.
Gemini Media Group works hard to make sure that you are receiving legitimate leads from your website’s contact form. We wanted to take some time to explain how we are working for you and discuss how our new email relay system sends leads from your website to your inbox.
Our email relay software improves the following:
- Email deliverability
- Spam filtering
- Tracking engagement
- Confidence you are receiving email from a verified domain
- Less risk of phishing / malware attacks
Modern email providers have implemented stricter filtering and requirements for incoming email. Providers have done this to counter spam sent via email. Our new website email software will take your websites to the next level and meet these standards.
We have invested in an email relay system and have implemented this new system on your website. This is to ensure that you receive all of your submits. It also mitigates and filters spam emails.
Gemini Media Group also has contingencies that can recover your leads if needed. We have implemented systems that include saving a copy of emails that are sent from website contact forms, tracking what contact form that email was sent from as well as tracking what users are using the contact form.
Simple….yet complex. Rest assured – we have you covered!
– The Gemini Team